The items listed below have been sourced from Curriculum/Instructional Design for classes I have taught during my K-12 teaching experiences, or in my time as an Associate Instructor at Indiana University. Student samples have been used with permission from students from my time as an Associate Instructor at Indiana University. Papers and Projects are sourced from my experiences as a Masters and PhD student at SUNY Potsdam and Indiana University.
All items are used with permission. More information about projects, philosophy, and competencies can be found on my Doctoral Dossier website from my time at Indiana University. Please note that much of the site remains as a snapshot at the end of my time at Indiana University. Specific:
- Educational Philosophy, found in Candidate Statement
- Research Competencies, with examples
- Teaching Competencies
- Service Competencies
- Select Files Listing
Courses I have taught or supervised at Indiana University include:
- W200 - Using Computers in Education (3 cr) Develops proficiency in computer applications and classroom software; teaches principles and specific ideas about appropriate, responsible, and ethical use to make teaching and learning more effective; promotes critical abilities, skills, and self-confidence for ongoing professional development.
- W210 – W210 Survey of Computer-Based Education (3 cr) The first course for the endorsement in educational computing. Students will develop computational thinking skills through unplugged activities for learning algorithms and basic coding languages. Study of using Scratch MIT and Robotics into K-12 classrooms. Learning basic HTML and CSS to create an ePortfolio.
- W410 – Practicum in Computer-Based Education (6 cr) W410 consists of “student teaching” for 6 weeks of full-time work, 12 weeks of half-time work, or 15 weeks of 14 hours/week, in an educational setting that incorporates instructional computing. [NOTE: Customarily, this is completed during the student teaching experience, but can be adapted in certain circumstances with permission from the CEL program coordinator]
Curriculum and Instructional Design Samples
Indiana University, W200 - Computers in Education
- Sample weekly Power Point Presentation: This example is one of the 16 Power Point Presentations designed for the weekly teaching portion of W200. It is broken up to allow time for discussion, lecture, actiuvities related to the week's content, and unit projects. Presentations were also uploaded to the W200 website and Canvas for students to access outside of the classroom.
- Case Analysis Template: This major project was completed in two iterations (two case analyses) over hte course of the semester. The intent of this project was to allow students to begin to trainsitioin their thinking from students to teachers. Students analyzed a case from a list of cases provided (or, if enrolled in the Service Learning course, would work with a selected practicing teacher), drew relevant information from the case, selected potential technology resources which would address the issues the teacher was having in the classroom, and created two artifacts (examples or items for the teacher to use). Students were placed into groups based on content area (for pre-service secondary teachers)or age group they planned on teaching (early childhood ed teachers or elementary teachers).
- W200 eBook Project Planning Document: Students were tasked with the creation of an eBook using iBooks Author for their future classroom. This planning document served to break up the entire task into smaller, more manageable tasks, and provide a logical workflow that allowed for oranization and reflection throughout the project. This sample document was used in a Service-Learning W200 section.
- W200 Final Exam Revision Plan: The W200 Final Exam had previously been focused on an essay relating their experiences within W200 to the TPACK framework. A team of instructors led by myself and a colleague, Matthew Callison, advocated for a Final Exam which would be more meaningful for the students. We created the linked plan, which allowed for students to share the work they were proud of, gain feedback from other students, present their planned professional development trajectories, and reflect on the course through the TPACK lens.
Indiana University, W210 - Survey of Computer Based Education
- Instructional Design/Web Design Project. This project, part of the overall Problem-Based Unit in W210, focused on the creation of a rough lesson plan and supporting website which addressed an approach to learning chosen by the student. The students were grouped for the project, based on their selection of an approach for learning.
- Blog Post Prompts for Problem-Based Units. Part of the W210 designed curriculum used individual blog posts for students to reflect on weekly learning inside class, outside class, and in their service-learning placements. With the introduction of the Problem-Based Unit, blog post focus was altered based on the research from the Student Reflective Experiences in a Problem Based Unit paper. Blog posts were modified to focus on progress, questions, and concerns about their progress on addressing the problem of the Unit.
- Technology in our Schools Video Project. As part of the Problem-Based Unit in W210, students were tasked to create a video for a school administrator related to their selected approach to learning, and how technology can support it. Students were tasked to contact real-world, practicing teachers, administrators, and technology coordinators to see how these approaches are used in their schools.
- Technology Analysis Project. The Technology Analysis Project, the first major project of W210, allows the student to explore a selected tool of their choice in depth. Students were placed in the role of a technology team at a public school. Students were given guidelines to consider as they explored tools including Budget considerations, positives, potential drawbacks, usage both inside and outside the classroom, educational value, and reviews by teachers, administrators, students, and technology coordinators. Students then presented their findings to the team, including whether or not they would recommend the tool for use in the school.
Student Samples
- W200 Service Learning Section Case Analysis Sample. This is a student sample of the Case Analysis described above. This Service Learning example had a student reach out to one of their previous teachers, identify a problem the teacher seemed to be having, and attempt to address the problem through the use of technology. This example is focused on a 12th grade Mythology class, and focuses on the use of an AP Language standard.
- W200 Regular Section Case Analysis Sample with Comments. This is a student sample of the Case Analysis described above. This example derives the case from a list of cases provided by W200 instructors to the students, and was completed as a group of three elementary pre-service teachers.
- W210 Video Checkpoints Document: This document was used for the Fall 2012 version of the Problem-Based Learning Video Project linked above as an organizational and managerial tool for students and instructor. Students had their own group Google Document to work on/sort group notes, and pasted a link to the final video product. Contains links to Final Products and Group Google Doc workflow.
- W200 3/10/14 Ticket Out the Door Responses: The Ticket out the Door strategy was used as a brief reflective activity for students, as well as a checkpoint for the instructor to clear up any "Muddy Points" during the weekly announcement, review for the next class session, or one-on-one work in the Teaching Technology Lab on the Indiana University Campus.
Papers and Projects Samples
- Technology Integration Concerns: A virtual dialogue between pre-service teachers and in-service teachers.Presented at the 2013 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Indiana University poster presentations. This research was part of a multi-year study linking pre-service teacher concerns about the use of technology in their future classroom, and how exemplary teachers addressed these concerns.
- SUNY Potsdam CSOLT Digital Library Project: Legal Issues of the Creation of a Departmental Digital Library. Presented at the 2011 annual Association of Educational Communications & Technology Conference held in Jacksonville, Fl. This presention discussed how the Computer Science, Organizational Leadership, and Technology department at SUNY Potsdam addressed potential legal and ethical issues in the creation of a digital library for Masters Students in the CSOLT program.
- Development and Evolution of Mobile Learning: A Case Study of AECT 2006-2012.Presented at the annual Instructional Systems Technology Departmental Conference held at Indiana University in Spring 2012. This presentation discusses how the conversation with the AECT community has about mobile technology had changed through the timeframe listed.
- CS 10K: Computer Science Student and Teacher Education Pathways NSF Grant Proposal 2013. As a member of the Grant Proposal Team made up of Professors and PhD students of the IU Schools of Education and Informatics, we developed a plan to create and maintain a community for potential and active Computer Science Teachers in Indiana. The grant was ultimately not selected for the 2013 round of NSF funding.
- Making Education Relevant to Students: Project Method, Interdisciplinary Education, and the Social Studies. Written in 2011 for IT 625 at SUNY Potsdam, this paper discusses the importance and methods by which the Project Method can be used in an interdisiplinary setting within a Social Studies Classroom.
- Student Reflective Experiences in a Problem-Based Unit. This paper, written for R685 at Indiana University with Dr. Krista Glazewski, focused on the importance of reflection within a Problem-based Unit in a classroom. This research examined the experiences of 11 students on a Problem-Based unit in an undergraduate level technology in education course. Instead of focusing solely on content, prompts focused on allowing students an opportunity to tie all information they had been working on in their class to the overall problem they were addressing.
Items from Outside Education
Wick's Wheels Documents
The following documents are procedural/training documents designed and developed during my time working at Wick's Wheels Moped and Scooter Shop in Bloomington, IN.
- Complete Scooter Sales Paperwork. This packet was created to streamline the sale of a vehicle at the shop. Design of all Wick's Wheels related items created by Bryan Hoey (General Manager) and Scott Wickersham (Owner).
- Scooter Service Check-In Procedure. This procedure, developed by Bryan Hoey (GM), Scott Wickersham (Owner), and Michael Radford (Head Mechanic) provides employees with clear instructions on how to properly check-in a vehicle for service.
- Scooter Sales Procedure. This procedure, developed by Bryan Hoey (GM) and Scott Wickersham (Owner), walks employees through the proper steps to complete a scooter sale. This procedure is important to follow, as these legal documents (Bill of Sale, Title, and ST-108) are required by the State of Indiana to be filled out correctly and completely prior to registration.